Mission Statement:
To advocate for all people in Golden having access to key community destinations on streets and pathways that are safe for those from ages 8 to 80.
To be a community that is walkable, bikeable, and accessible to all.

Be sure to use a bike light when riding and reflective clothing when walkingWe heard some great feedback at these events in 2024:
We heard from runners about shared trail experiences
Golden Bike Cruise
We have given away over 100 free bike bells :-)
Bike to Work Day
A state wide event where we joined the City of Golden to talk with cyclist
Trail Courtesy Campaign
Events hosted by us at various locations, where we've heard from a lot of walkers and cyclist that appreciate our efforts reminding everyone how to politely share the trail.
Golden Bike Cruise
The last Tuesday of the month - where we have given away hundreds of bike bells!
Golden Gallup
Lots of runners dispite the rain!
Last event of the season:
* Oct 29th Golden Bike Cruise 13th and Arapahoe 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Be sure to bring your bike light!
Give the City your feedback:
The City would like your input on the Peak to Plains alternate route options thru Golden.
For more details:
Have time for admin support tasks?
Throughout the year we need volunteers to keep things running.
Your involvement is appreciated whenever you are available
- you don't have to attend every meeting,
but if you are interested, please contact us for details.
Year round volunteer options include:
* attend a Golden Mobility and Transportation Board (MTAB)
meetings on the 4th Thursday of the month, 6pm in City Council Chambers.
* attend a Bike Jeffco zoom meeting.
Bike Walk Golden is a 501 (c) 3 organization
Donations will be acknowledged (upon request).

What We're Reading

Community Resources

Bike Walk Golden's Objectives:
Through advocacy with City of Golden staff we strive to pormote:
Safe biking options:
* with lanes separated from cars, or
* with cars if the travel speed is 18 mph or less
Safe walking options:
* with marked street crossings
* signaled pedestiran crossings where possible
- Create a new east/west bike connection that is an alternative to the busy Clear Creek Corridor- Create welcoming streets for walking and biking- Create a safe and happy city that prioritizes people’s well-being and
enhances the small town feel that makes Golden so special to residents and visitors

Additional Resources

