Mission Statement:
To advocate for all people in Golden having access to key community destinations on streets and pathways that are safe for those from ages 8 to 80.
To be a community that is walkable, bikeable, and accessible to all.

Want to help with events?
Sign up with the 2024 Bike Walk Golden Signups tab above!
June was a busy month with Trailapalooza, Golden Bike Cruise, and Bike to Work Day ~ but we're just getting started* Jul 7th Trail Courtesy Campaign HW 6th and 19th on "the Lid" 8:30-10AM
* Jul 30th Golden Bike Cruise 13th and Arapahoe 5:30 to 7:30 PM
* Aug 17th Trail Courtesy Campaign HW 58th underpass 8:30-10AM
* Aug 27th Golden Bike Cruise 13th and Arapahoe 5:30 to 7:30 PM
* Sep 21st National Clear Up Day Gateway Station Lot
* Sep 22nd Golden Gallup Golden High School
* Sep 24th Golden Bike Cruise 13th and Arapahoe 5:30 to 7:30 PM
check back for more!
Give the City your feedback:
Have time for admin support tasks?
Throughout the year we need volunteers to keep things running.
Your involvement is appreciated whenever you are available
- you don't have to attend every meeting,
but if you are interested, please contact us for details.
Year round volunteer options include:
* attend a Golden Mobility and Transportation Board (MTAB)
meetings on the 4th Thursday of the month, 6pm in City Council Chambers.
* attend a Bike Jeffco zoom meeting.
Bike Walk Golden is a 501 (c) 3 organization
Donations will be acknowledged (upon request).

What We're Reading

Community Resources

Objectives: work with City of Golden staff advocating to:
- Offer safe biking options:
* with lanes separated from cars, or*
* with cars if the travel speed is 18 mph or less*
- Offer safe crossing for bikes and pedestrians that meet the needs
of an 8 year old, or an 80 year old
- Create a new east/west bike/ped connection that is an
alternative to the clear creek corridor
- Create welcoming streets for walking and biking- Create a safe and happy city that prioritizes people’s well-being
and enhances the small town feel that makes Golden
so special to residents and visitors

Additional Resources

